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康奈尔鸟类图书馆是美国康奈尔大学创办的全球Zhui大Zhui古老的自然声音档案馆,该馆是鸟类学实验室存有生物音频和视频科研档案,现在所有档案都已经全部数字化。有兴趣的读者可以登陆网站试听,Zhui早的档案甚至可以追溯到1929年。Macaulay音频馆长格雷格-巴德利( Greg Budney)表示:“现在,从速度和材料广度方面来看,全世界所有人都可以获取档案,这的确是一次革命。”康奈尔大学称,数字化档案文件共用时12年时间,期间共处理大约15万份音频文件,音频总时长达7,513小时。档案馆共分9000个类别,其中大部门是鸟类,其它还包括鲸、大象、青蛙和灵长类动物。The Macaulay Library is the world's largest and oldest scientific archive of biodiversity audio and video recordings. Our mission is to collect and preserve recordings of each species' behavior and natural history, to facilitate the ability of others to collect and preserve such recordings, and to actively promote the use of these recordings for diverse purposes spanning scientific research, education, conservation, and the arts.