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视频游戏销售排行榜 www.vgchartz.com

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视频游戏销售排行榜 直达网站 直达网站


VGChartz began in June 2005 when Brett Walton created an area on www.everythingandnothing.org.uk (a site he had created at the time) called Videogame Sales Charts which collected publicly available video game sales data (only for Japan initially) in one place for users to view. This part of the site gained rapid popularity (mainly due to exposure on the NeoGAF forums and other video game websites) and in July 2006 Brett turned the collection of information into its own site - VGCharts or www.vgcharts.org. Later in 2006, Brett started to expand the VGCharts experience beyond just industry sales charts with the addition of a User Community, Forums and the VGChartz Prediction League.
Founded in 2005 by Brett Walton, VGChartz (Video Game Charts) is a business intelligence and research firm and publisher of the VGChartz Network of gaming websites. As an industry research firm, VGChartz publishes over 7,000 unique estimates per week relating to worldwide game hardware and software sales and hosts an ever-expanding game database with over 40,000 titles listed and 1.5 million unique data points. The VGChartz Network is made up of the VGChartz, gamrFeed, gamrReview, gamrTV and gamrConnect brands and provide consumers with a range of content from news and features to reviews to social


1  美国(19.4%)
2  英国(11.5%)
3  日本(8.0%)
4  墨西哥(7.1%)
5  法国(7.0%)

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 佛罗里达州布劳沃德县劳德代尔堡市Infolink信息服务公司

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