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英国DebutArt插画艺术交流平台成立于1985年的伦敦,目前已经在多个国家拥有办事处,致力于把插花艺术应用于商业广告,是一个把插画艺术定义为创意灵感设计,商业与创意想结合,改变让人麻木的垃圾广告效果。DebutArt公司与世界著名的企业都有合作例如微软、苹果、可口可乐、宝洁、联合利华、三星、李维斯、BP、壳牌、耐克等。Since 1985, début art (based in London, England and now with offices in New York, Paris and Edinburgh) has proactively sought out selected leading contemporary image-makers & clients who create original, progressive and commercially successful media material. Today, début art and the highly artistic illustrators it promotes, are widely regarded, both in the UK and around the world, as representing one of the finest and most contemporary leading talent groupings in the field of illustration.Mounting truly global marketing programs in the major selected media markets around the world and with illustrators based all over the world, début art is a truly globally sought after creative agency - an agency, we believe, that offers its selected and approved clients all the wisdom and creative wonderment of its truly worldwide illustrators base.début art and the illustrators it markets have successfully undertaken assignments worldwide for very many companies that are leaders in their fields including Microsoft, Apple, Coca-Cola, Proctor and Gamble, Unilever, Samsung, Nokia, Levi’s, Rolls-Royce, BP, Shell, Nike, The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, The NYSE, The London Stock Exchange, Citibank, HSBC, American Express, Barclaycard, Maestro, British A