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健康食谱指导平台 www.sparkrecipes.com

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属于SparkPeople公司,在这里你可以浏览一千多万的会员提交的美味而健康的食谱,还可以尝试居民健康的烹饪专家Chef Meg给你带来的美食烹饪体验。同时,你也可以在这里与大家分享你Zhui喜欢的食物。
Browse delicious, healthy recipes submitted by our more than 10 million members, try original dishes and menu makeovers from Chef Meg, our resident healthy cooking expert, and share your own favorite foods. Plus, our recipe calculator gives you the calories, fat, and nutrition info for it all!
Chef Meg Galvin, World Master Chef, Healthy Cooking Expert and author of "The SparkPeople Cookbook"
At SparkPeople.com, Chef Meg Galvin develops healthy recipes, tests member-submitted dishes, and teaches the fundamentals of cooking through informative and entertaining videos and articles. A World Master Chef since 2005, Chef Meg was the host of the regional television show The Dish, which aired on a local CBS affiliate and online. Meg now hosts cooking videos on the local FOX affiliate.



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