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美国白宫博客官方是由老道的白宫记者基斯(Keith Koffler)负责编写的完全独立而未被完全授权的博客网站。该网站是白宫新闻资讯、美国政治评论和分析的极具特色的混合体,语言幽默诙谐,发扬了新闻业的传统使命——报道的权力。白宫博客主要集中报道总统的动态、其管理政策以及其敌手的动态等。此外,白宫博客专注于美国白宫的Zhui新消息,关注这个位于大洋彼岸的超级大国的精英内阁中的精英政客们的Zhui新动向。因为在全球化愈演愈烈的这个世纪,人类必须承担起自己的责任来保护地球这个大家的共同家园,不论你身在何方,何种身份,何种地位,何种肤色,何种种族,何种信仰,你都是其中的一分子。在美国建国200余年来,还没有一任总统开设过官方博客。随着互联网在美国政治中的地位日益提升,也许在下一任的白宫官僚名单中,将出现一位专职维护总统博客的官员。七位民主党总统候选人一致表示,如果成功当选下任美国总统,将首次任命白宫博客负责人。博客将成为下任美国总统Zhui有影响力的政治工具。White House Dossier, written by veteran White House reporter Keith Koffler, is the only 24/7, totally independent, and fully unauthorized White House news website. It delivers a unique blend of White House reporting, commentary and analysis – with frequent doses of humor and satire – to carry forward journalism’s traditional mission of holding the powerful to account. The website focuses mainly on President Obama, his administration, and his antagonists.Award winning journalist Keith Koffler has 16 years of experience covering Washington. As a reporter for CongressDaily, National Journal magazine, and Roll Call, Keith wrote primarily from the White House, covering three presidents and learning as few have the intricacies of the West Wing and the behavior and motivations of its occupants. While mainly stationed at the White House, he also extensively covered Congress and Washington’s lobbyists.Keith has also written for a variety of other news organizations, including Politico, Reute