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娱乐趣图资源分享平台 www.thechive.com

美国 点击(1960) 全球(4028)

娱乐趣图资源分享平台 直达网站 直达网站

娱乐趣图资源分享平台是一家专门为用户提供有趣图片的网站,拥有10,000个独特的图片库,储存的图片超过500,000张,该网站成立于2008年,创建者是约翰和Leo Resig两兄弟。

Leo Resig成立之初,网站每天的访问者只有两位,也就是兄弟俩。但是,通过积极进取和开拓创新,theCHIVE现在已经成为了一家每天为750,000多位访问者提供娱乐资源的网站,每年可以吸引到 1500万的访问量,每个月的页面访问量达到 85 00万。
world. With over 10,000 unique photo galleries and over 500,000 photos, theCHIVE.com is The World’s Largest Photo Entertainment Website. Started in November 2008 by brothers John and Leo Resig, theCHIVE started with 2 visits per day and has grown to entertain an average of 750,000 visitors per day and churns out over 15 million visits per month 85 million monthly pageviews.
Where do the photos come from? You, the Chivers. In addition to user submits, John, Leo, Bob, and Mac surf the world wide web -literally. They visit websites in Russia, Japan, China, Hungary, Spain, Germany -the list goes on, to discover the best of the best and bring it to the U.S. If a legit funny photo is snapped somewhere in the world right now, it will make its way to theCHIVE’s homepage before your morning coffee. theCHIVE is the foremost authority and source of all viral photos on the internet.


1  美国(63.3%)
2  加拿大(7.2%)
3  印度(6.2%)
4  英国(4.3%)
5  澳大利亚(2.3%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加州AUTOMattic公司AS2635全球镜像CDN网络节点

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