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美国英语学习视频游戏 www.americanenglish.state.gov

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Trace Effects:美国英语学习视频游戏是由美国语言教学资源中心创办的为12-16岁学生学习英语的视频游戏网站,学生通过拼图游戏和交互协作冒险来探索和学习美国的文化。

The American English website provides resources for teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL), exploring American culture, and encouraging conversation within the global EFL community.
A collaborative English language video game experience for students ages 12-16. Learn English and explore American culture through puzzles, games, and adventures in an interactive world.
American English is a resource center for teaching and learning about American English language and culture. This website provides a variety of engaging materials and resources for teachers' professional development and for students in the classroom. Both teachers and students will find new ways to practice English and learn more about the United States.
The Office of English Language Programs in Washington, D.C. provides academic expertise, advisory and consultative assistance, as well as materials and resources worldwide. All programs are implemented by Regional English Language Officers (RELOs) at American Embassies or Consulates. Programs and resources administered through our office include English materials, distance education programs, and teacher training workshops. For more information or to receive these resources in your area, please contact your RELO. We encourage you to explore our websi


1  美国(25.9%)
2  伊朗(4.6%)
3  中国(4.3%)
4  埃及(4.1%)
5  阿尔及利亚(3.1%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

  • 1 美国Kyle-Fewell插画艺术创作网
  • 2 免费数字化杂志制作平台
  • 3 连客社会化经历分享社区
  • 4 Web网页标准推广网
  • 5 个性化视觉二维码制作工具
  • 6 希腊高清壁纸下载站
  • 7 英国流浪者协助协会
  • 8 英国社会救助服务组织
  • 9 英国无家可归护理协助组织
  • 10 德国移动应用搜索引擎

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