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英国社会救助服务组织是英国一家非营利性的社会生活保障组织,在英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰为无家可归者或住房条件恶劣者寻找住房或为改善住房条件提供建议。是一个慈善机构,以纾缓无家可归者造成的困扰和破坏的房屋,通过提供咨询、信息宣传,为那些需要救助的家庭,提供生活保障服务,电话:0808-800-4444(24小时免费热线)。 provides free, confidential advice to people with all kinds of housing problems through our online housing information and our face to face local services.'My situation completely improved in as much as I didn't have to move out and was given a solicitor to advise me and represent me in court if necessary. I was very impressed with your attitude and the help I was given. Excellent.' clientFighting for change tackles the root causes of bad housing by lobbying government and local authorities for new laws and policies, and more investment, to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.