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蹭饭机器人工具 www.food-bot.com

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该工具一位美帝的geek自己不会煮饭,遂写了个程序用机器学习的自然语言处理自动分析内容找free food,订阅了全校各种邮件列表,并且根据蹭饭难易程度排序,自动生成google calendar。从此过上了衣食无忧还不要钱的幸福生活。
Food-Bot is a website designed to help college students find free food events on campus. The website seeks to serve two groups: students looking for free food, and student groups looking for some free publicity for their events. It's a win-win!
There are one of two ways free food events get placed on the site:
People post event information manually
Food-Bot processes emails, extracts free food event information, and posts it on the site
Visitors to the site see information about all of the upcoming free food events, attend those events, and then eat to their hearts' content.
Regularly check the website to find the latest free food events on your campus!
Due to the automation, sometimes Food-Bot will post events that are not appropriate for the general public to attend. I'm continually trying to refine it to filter out these events. I'd appreciate if you point out if there is a certain event (or type of event) that shouldn't be here and/or help by deleting those events!
Please attend events at your own discretion.
Also, please don't go, eat the food, then leave! If you're going to attend an event, please stay for the whole thing. Show some respect for the sponsor!



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