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Love and Lavender was started by two sisters-in-law in January 2010. Aileen was getting married and wanted an outlet to express ideas, while Ellen has always been obsessed with weddings and love and jumped at the idea of starting a blog. What started as a hobby has turned into a full-time labor of love and has grown into a popular wedding resource in the U.S.and worldwide!
About Ellen: Ellen got married at the age of 18 to her hottie-patottie-with-a-naughty-body husband Josh in 2005–way before the time of wedding blogs. She currently lives in Seattle and works full time on the blog. Besides gawking over weddings, Ellen loves to travel and shop. She loves random pieces of interesting news, painted nails, dresses, and anything with ruffles! She is known for being the master of making lists and coming up with random, but sometimes useful ideas. Lastly, she is a romantic at heart and loves seeing couple’s special days play out.
About Aileen: Aileen has always had a passion for all things creative–she loved painting and drawing as a kid (still does today!) and she graduated with a degree in design. While planning her 2010 wedding to her amazing husband Ben, she fell in love with weddings–crafting, searching thrift stores for vintage treasures, creating pretty things…it was all so fun!! Now, although a wedding junkie for life


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