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在线字典查询搜索引擎 www.dictionary.com

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.com LLC's online and mobile properties are destinations for learning and word discovery. We provide resources that create success for consumers in their schoolwork, careers, relationships, and life.
Every month more than 50 million users across the globe visit our online English dictionary and thesaurus, making us the world’s largest and most authoritative free online dictionary and mobile reference resource. Our selection of online and mobile products are an interactive and reliable source for word meaning and usage. Take our products everywhere and access them any time; we serve academic, business, social and recreational needs, irrespective of age or education level.
Interact with .com on-the-go with our mobile iPhone, iPad, and Android applications and API data services. We intend to redefine word learning and knowledge in the context of emerging technology while preserving the painstaking traditions of expertise and integrity that everyone expects from us.


1  美国(47.6%)
2  印度(6.8%)
3  英国(4.2%)
4  加拿大(3.8%)
5  中国(3.2%)

dictionary thesaurus ally avulse maintenance

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 奥克兰国际综艺合家欢搜索媒体公司

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