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美国街头时尚抓拍博客 www.leeoliveira.com

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I initially started my blog in 2010 as a hobby. I wanted to somehow document, for myself, the individual styles of people I saw on the streets.
At that time, I was working in the retail fashion industry and had moved my way up into a management role. I felt I needed a change but wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do – most of us have been at that point in our lives. I was using my blog to provide me with some direction as to what I wanted to do, and also make some new connections.
After taking a few photography courses using an old Nikon D2X that a friend had given me, I found that I was enjoying the photography side of blogging more than the writing. My blog grew quite unexpectedly that year, and eventually I decided it was time. I took a giant step toward my future in photography and gave up my job. I wanted to be dedicated to what I loved doing on a full-time basis. To this day, that was the scariest decision I had ever made, but it turned out to be one of the best.
I struggled in the beginning, never knowing if I’d even have enough money to eat, but my leap of faith has finally taken off. In early 2011, things started to really move forward. My work started appearing in global publications such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Glamour Magazine, Grazia, The New York Times and many others.



lee oliveira lee oliviera lee olivera helena bordon oliveira

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