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在1908年德国的德累斯顿(Dresden),召开了第一次世界素食大会,并成立了国际素食联盟。成立国际素食联盟想法来自于法国素食协会,第一次世界素食大会由英国素食协会在国际范围内组织筹备,并受到德累斯顿当地素食协会(Vegetarier-Bund Deutschland)的支持。自此,世界素食大会相继在世界各地召开。本页的右边列出了所有的大会。
国际素食联盟是一个非赢利的组织,它接受任何主要宗旨为倡导素食主义,且授权负责人是素食者的非赢利的组织。 的赞助者可以是任何认同 的宗旨和目标的个人,家庭或组织,他们可以是素食者,也可以不是素食者。
was founded in 1908 in Dresden, Germany. The idea came from the French Vegetarian Society, the first Congress was organised internationally by the British Society and locally by the Dresden Society with support from the Deutsche Vegetarier-Bund.
Since then a series of World Veg Congresses have been held on most continents and, in 2008 returned to Dresden for the Centenary 38th Congress. See the list on the right and full details at The History of . From 2012 this major global event has been renamed the ' World Vegfest'.

Presented in English, German, Spanish, French, and other languages. Links to organizations world-wide, recipe database, and a forum.


1  美国(9.2%)

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  • 1 欢迎!的住房协会
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  • 3 无麸质饮食活的食物和生的食物
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  • 5 一天30个香蕉!
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  • 7 素食美味食谱时报
  • 8 欢迎来到奥罗维尔奥罗维尔
  • 9 快乐牛国际素食平台
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