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Yvette Ehler就是这个网站背后的推动者,也是一位有事业心的女性。Yvette Ehler非常感激用户们提交的素食菜谱。2009年,Yvette Ehler意识到自己在过去的几年一直没有与家人一起度假,于是她决定,应该对自己的生活做出改变。自然而然,一位新的素食主义者Holleen Holland加入到了这个网站的管理团队,并与Yvette Ehler一起推动这个社区的发展。Holleen Holland和Yvette Ehler在过去的十三年来多次合作。现在,二者一起为数百万的读者提供美味,经过用户验证和免费的素食菜谱。
Once upon a time, back in the year 1996, a food-loving, web-savvy, super-smart vegan saw a need for an online veg community. Not only did she want to share meat-free recipes with like-minded cooks around the world, she wanted to connect with others to discuss this burgeoning way of life.
So she made a website, and it grew, and grew, and grew, until it became the #1 vegetarian site on the web more than a decade later. Yvette Ehler was the name of that enterprising woman, and we have her to thank for thousands of delicious vegan recipes, an incredible sense of community, and a home away from home so many of us use each and every day.
In 2009, Yvette realized she hadn't been on a family vacation in years and felt it was time for a change. Thankfully, long-time vegan Colleen Holland (co-founder, VegNews Magazine) was ready to step in and continue the great work Yvette had begun 13 years earlier. Colleen brought on the incredible Laura Beck (co-founder, Vegansaurus.com) to run the site, and together they are

Worlds Largest Online Vegan Recipe Community


1  美国(48.1%)
2  加拿大(7.8%)
3  澳大利亚(6.0%)

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  • 1 一天30个香蕉!
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  • 3 素食美味食谱时报
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