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articles in the life sciences and is an essential resource for students.
eLS articles are written by leaders in the field to provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage of each subject area. eLS is updated by approximately 400 articles per year, with new articles publishing on a monthly basis.
"With an impressive list of advisors and authors, broad subject coverage, exquisite articles, and a relatively easy to use interface, eLS is a remarkable resource." — Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship
"This resource is a must-have for all biological sciences libraries and most larger academic and public libraries. It will be used often by undergraduate and graduate biology students." — American Reference Books Annual.
Features include:
1、Topic browse spanning the life sciences from cell biology to ecology;
2、Topic coverage reviewed by a distinguished international scientific advisory team;
3、Overviews and Suggested Articles to help students learn about topics;
4、Key Concepts explaining critical learning points for the reader;
5、Open availability of Abstracts, Key Concepts and Keywords;
6、Open availability of high-quality illustrations;
7、Open availability of References and Further Reading;
8、In-text hyperlinks directly linking related eLS

Originally commissioned and peer reviewed articles across the life sciences. Online encyclopedia requires paid subscription.


1  美国(44.5%)
2  印度(13.8%)
3  荷兰(4.5%)

nucleolus noradrenaline primary and secondary immune response superantigen nucleolus function

  • 1 University of Delhi
  • 2 Edutopia
  • 3 Florida Virtual School
  • 4 搜索和财政援助帮助大学保密
  • 5 美国同学录年鉴
  • 6 ACT公司
  • 7 商业化免费教育平台
  • 8 国际在线教育平台
  • 9 commonapp美国大学申请
  • 10 美国大学理事会官网

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