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美国同学录年鉴 www.classmates.com

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Classmates is the online home for your high school class. With the largest directory of high schools and class lists available anywhere, covering 57 million people and including maiden names, Classmates makes finding, reconnecting and staying up with your high school class fun and easy. Classmates also has over 200,000 digitized high school yearbooks available for you to view and share photos.
Discover how millions of people have reconnected with friends from their high school years. With over 50 million members, we make it easy to discover what other alumni are doing now, get news on your reunion, and share old high school photos.

Reconnect with past friends and classmates. Its free to register.


1  美国(84.9%)
2  加拿大(4.3%)
3  印度(3.3%)
4  日本(1.1%)
5  英国(0.5%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

  • 1 ACT公司
  • 2 商业化免费教育平台
  • 3 国际在线教育平台
  • 4 commonapp美国大学申请
  • 5 美国大学理事会官网
  • 6 edx.org
  • 7 在线免费技术视频平台
  • 8 eCollege.com
  • 9 Coursera 官网
  • 10 在线教学网络培训平台

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