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免费学生教育资源分享网 www.teach-nology.com

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免费学生教育资源分享网是一个为从幼儿园到高中的教师提供的免费教育资源,包括“Teacher Timesavers”来帮助教育工作者实施更好的教育管理。包含了超过4200个课程计划、教学技巧等免费教学资源。

TeAch-nology - The Art and Science of Teaching with Technology® - represents a vision of teaching in a world driven by technology. Our mission to provide services designed to support educators' in effectively incorporating technology in teaching and learning. Our goal is two-fold: to provide a reservoir of online resources for educators to access at any time and to provide effective tools for designing instruction that are time and energy saving.

Allows students and teachers alike to search for web sites on various topics. All sites are strictly reviewed for youth safety.


1  美国(56.3%)
2  印度(5.2%)
3  加拿大(5.0%)
4  中国(4.5%)
5  菲律宾(2.3%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加州奥兰治县拉哈布拉市Add2Net-LunarPages公司

  • 1 该家庭学校法律课程课程网络该
  • 2 在线教育媒体教学平台
  • 3 很棒的图书馆
  • 4 教育搜索directoryactivities -资源-游戏—
  • 5 WEB设计开发杂志博客
  • 6 在线尼奥宠物官网
  • 7 开放式维基教科书
  • 8 美国UdaCity免费在线大学教育平台
  • 9 可汗学院公开课官方网站
  • 10 Louai Munajim

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