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WEB设计开发杂志博客 www.smashingmagazine.com

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Smashing Magazine是一个专门收集各类优秀英文网站的站点,他们收集的网站主要是和网页设计相关的的文章、参考资料、教程、免费的商业资料。
Smashing Magazine is a website and blog that offers resources and advice to web developers and web designers.[1][3] It was founded by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman.[1] In December 2008 BurrellesLuce ranked Smashing Magazine number ten in their list of top blogs.[4] As of February 2009, Smashing Magazine had an Alexa ranking of 10,338[2] Smashing Magazine evaluates software, applications, and web-based tools that are targeted at web designers and developers,[5][6] and publishes tutorials and how-tos on design and development.[7][8] Smashing Magazine also offers free fonts,[9] icons, and templates for download,[8] as well as showcasing other things of importance the the web development community, such as HTTP 404 error page designs.[

Articles and news on CSS and related technologies.


1  印度(22.1%)
2  美国(14.9%)
3  英国(4.8%)
4  德国(3.1%)
5  中国(3.0%)

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  • 1 在线尼奥宠物官网
  • 2 开放式维基教科书
  • 3 美国UdaCity免费在线大学教育平台
  • 4 可汗学院公开课官方网站
  • 5 Louai Munajim
  • 6 childnet - childnet
  • 7 classzone.com
  • 8 cgi101.com
  • 9 论坛-基督教青少年论坛
  • 10 移动学习体验-创建教育游戏

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