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A collection of the best online videos. Our editors make sure clips added are family friendly..com is a family friendly video website. We are dissimilar to most video websites on the Internet as we avoid featuring videos that are either unsuitable for all ages, or are generally sensationalistic in nature. We are not a funny video website; rather, we feature all kinds of videos: funny, educational, inspirational, cute, science, news, pretty much anything we think that might add 'value' to your life in some shape or form. We are anti-sensationalistic; we feel that there are more than enough websites on the Internet to cater to that taste.

A collection of online videos submitted by the public. Checked to be family friendly.


1  美国(48.9%)
2  中国(15.0%)
3  加拿大(5.3%)
4  英国(3.7%)
5  墨西哥(2.0%)

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  • 1 WRGB 6 Schenectady/Albany
  • 2 captionlabs.com
  • 3 欧洲广播联盟官方网站
  • 4 chch.com
  • 5 WCBD 2 - Charleston
  • 6 cbs4indy.com
  • 7 我们生活的破坏者天(新!)提前一天更新和
  • 8 美国家蒂斯
  • 9 美国ADForum广告资源论坛
  • 10 电视印刷户外互动广播

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