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美国ADForum广告资源论坛 www.adforum.com

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Adforum.com is an impartial, advanced and up-to-date source of information on the advertising industry. The interactive database services provides essential information for the agency review process agencies' profiles and creative work. It also provides a searchable library of creative work, including video spots.
For over a decade, AdForum has been a trusted source for the advertising community. Advertisers on our site will access a highly targeted and influential audience as they are searching for effective and innovative business solutions.

A place to express opinions, comment, share, and vote on a weekly selection of the worlds top creative advertising.


1  美国(20.5%)
2  韩国(12.6%)
3  巴西(8.4%)
4  日本(4.4%)
5  英国(3.7%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司

  • 1 电视印刷户外互动广播
  • 2 Channel One News
  • 3 Cartoon Network UK
  • 4 家庭
  • 5 Cinemax
  • 6 阿姆斯壮数字高清有线电视点播高速
  • 7 ETSI欧洲电信标准协会
  • 8 印度索尼娱乐电视台
  • 9 Federal Technologies LImited
  • 10 smithfayetteville

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