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LovePanky-情感分析专业媒体网 www.lovepanky.com

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Love Panky 是一家致力于人与人之间有关于爱情和人际关系研究的平台,通过专业的人际关系分析来让人们更多的去了解细致入微的情感,并改善生活状态,让生活变的更加美好。

Love Panky 网站成立于2011年,通过多年的发展,目前有超过750万的访问量,在这里人们深入的研究情感的关系,解读情感里的奥秘,只有了解才能去改变。
Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships
What’s love, you may ask. For many, love is many things. It is romance, fairy tales, sex, a skip in the heart, a flattering arm candy, or someone to spend the night with.
But love is more than all of that. Love is a series of coincidences that changes your life.
You can helplessly watch your whole life go by, unable to steer or rein it because you don’t control your life. Love does. For better or for worse.
Ironic, isn’t it, especially when you think you’re the one who chooses the life you wish to live? In reality, it’s your love for a special material possession or a special someone that marks all your achievements in life with little fluorescent bookmark post-its.


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3  尼日利亚(6.1%)
4  英国(4.8%)
5  加拿大(3.6%)

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