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名词解释:Psytrance也叫做 Psychedelic trance, 是一种电子音乐的流派。在90年代早期, 它主要从Goa trance发展而来,并逐步进入主流音乐的范围。Planet Dog record 这个厂牌下的Timeshard 和 Eat Static等被认为是对其Zhui有影响力的Goa Trance音乐家。Zhui早的纯Psytrance 来自于 Dragonfly Records这个厂牌下的音乐艺人。
is named for the immaterial or ethereal emanation that surrounds a person in a deep state of trance. Although the root word “ectoplasm” was originally a biological term (it means “outside skin”), parapsychologists and the occult adopted it for their own uses in the late 19th century.
In the new millennium, the term serves as a reference to the elusive “vibe” revellers experience at proper trance gatherings. Imagine it as a sort of inexplicable luminous glow that can be perceived surrounding a “fully activated” dance floor.
If that seems slightly too obscure and mystical, consider the beaming smiles and bright-eyed excitement that accompanies a deeply satisfying musical experience—and the social connectivity such a state encourages. This is what the psychedelic trance experience is all about: breaking through to new states of consciousness and awareness by manipulating reality with sound, light, and motion.


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