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儿童教学资源网 www.worksheetlibrary.com

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Worksheet Library 是一个致力于儿童课堂教学主要分享的网站,帮助教师们分享大量的免费图形教学内容,从幼儿园到小学每个年级的资源都用,通过图形化的教学方式可以提高学生们的视觉和动手能力,所有的内容均是免费下载并支持打印输出。

The Worksheet Library Story:
As elementary teachers, we know that your everyday brings many responsibilities and challenges. In the average day, you face hundreds of issues: classroom management, student achievement, certification, study skills, administrative tasks, learning standards, parental communication, and various other intricacies of pedagogy. This leaves little time to create useful and effective resources that help your students learn. This is where Worksheet Library comes in.
Worksheet Library was developed and is maintained by veteran elementary teachers who have over 50 years of classroom experience - and climbing every year. Like you, we get up every school day and greet our students with their bright shiny faces. In fact, that smile is what keeps us going. Knowing that we help shape the future makes us proud. But being proud does not get our work done. Worksheet Library is here to help with some of that workload.
We develop each worksheet of our site with the goal of making it clear and simple. We want to help you reduce your planning time and spend more quality time with your students.
We serve K-6 teachers exclusively, because we are K-6 teachers who know exactly what you are going through. This is why our worksheets are preformatted and ready to use in your classroom. Once you find the exact worksheet you need, it is ready to print


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