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音乐探索社交平台 www.stereofox.com

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因为很多人有着不同的文化和教育背景,喜欢听的音乐就会不同,但是人们因为音乐而聚集在一起, 目标是分享有趣和多样化的音乐,帮助那些音乐创作人传播他们的音乐,这里可以找到音乐推荐、专辑评论、艺术家和大量的现场演唱视频等。
下面是 团队的发展历程:
We started in June 2012 after ups and downs of a blog Ivo was running at the time. The mission was to create something meaningful. After a few messages, we had a logo and the brainstorming began.
Throughout this initial stage we managed to find more and more enthusiasts and before we realized, we quickly reached 15 international members just before our launch in February 2013.
As the development advanced, we decided to add more features and things skewed towards creating something which we couldn't really fit into any category. We wanted to put our marketing, copywriting and technical skills & knowledge into practice while keep having fun. By that time Juan came in and pushed our Media section - in-house made videos and galleries shot by some of the most awesome people ever!We had no idea whether this would work out and how long could we really "keep" the passion for music, but as it turned out - the feeling of being part of this project was even more awesome than most of us could imagine. That's why we came up with the idea of 2.0.
Of course nothing of what you see today wouldn't be possible without our community. We made a crowd-funding which gave us the


1  美国(48.4%)
2  俄罗斯(4.6%)

gnash u gnash album magic man paris common i want you

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