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欧洲出版商理事会 www.epceurope.eu

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欧洲出版商理事会(European Publishers Council,)成立于1991年,宗旨是倡导媒体的言论自由,保护市场竞争环境,在欧盟国家内促进多元化和民主的发展。理事会与各国的立法者建立联系,以确保法规环境对传统和新兴媒体的持续性发展有益。

The European Publishers Council is a high level group of Chairmen and CEOs of leading European media corporations. Members are the most senior representatives of European newspaper and magazine publishers.Their companies are involved in multimedia markets spanning newspaper, magazine, book, journal, internet, online database publishers, radio and TV broadcasting
What We Do
Since 1991, Members have worked to review the impact of proposed European legislation on the press, and then express an opinion to legislators, politicians and opinion-formers with a view to influencing the content of final regulations. The objective has always been to encourage good law-making for the media industry.
Our Members
26 Chairmen and CEOs of the leading media corporations from across Europe make up the European Publishers Council. ’s members have been helping to encourage good, effective law-making for the media industry since 1991. Christian Van Thillo, Chief Executive Officer of De Persgroep, is the Chair of since 21 November 2014.



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