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The feel of a Rubik’s Cube in your hands… The opening chords of The A-Team theme tune… The smell of Mattel plastic (yes it seriously does smell different). We all have different things that take us back to our childhood. Many of us who were born in the 70s or 80s have these memories of growing up. Retromash is all about archiving these memories. Bottling them up so that we can relive happy moments, admire past cultures and share our childhood with our own children. And if we can have a bit of fun in the process, well that’s a bonus.
The 80s was an incredible, charming, weird and naive time. It maybe wasn’t as ‘cool’ as the 60s and 70s but it was groundbreaking in other ways. It was a great time to be a child as new technologies brought in cooler toys, better gadgets, video consoles and computer games. New franchises like Masters of the Universe, Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began, all of which are still going today. Many TV shows and movies are in a generation’s collective zeitgeist, before the current smorgasbord of cable and streaming gave us the overload that we have today. The 80s was a simpler time. Everyone would be watching the same TV shows at the exact same time. You felt a part of something new. I’m not sure I would want to go back and live permanently in the 80s (what, no Twitt

内容提要:A mish-mash of 70s/80s/90s retro gaming, TV, movies, toys, comics, gadgets, food, music and misc geekery. Seen with a ...




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