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在线法律世界百科全书是一个国际化的法律百科全书,涵盖了法律相关的各个领域并通过世界各地的著名法学学者提出修订建议完善而成的,用户可以在这里查到任何关于国际法律的相关资源。是由一些不为盈利为目的的组织和一些法务人员共同创办,使命是帮助世界各地的人们通过法律手段来维护个人的合法权益,提成法律面前人人平等,帮助需要法律援助的群体有理可依。We are dedicated to the public purposes of furthering open access to legal information and reducing library costs. People around the world use the Encyclopedia to find and provide entries about law and the legal profession. Legal researchers, students, faculty,scholars, professional librarians and other information seekers use the Encyclopedia of Law to obtain bibliographic, abstract and full-text information when and where they need it.