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免费开源个人数据管理工具 www.tagspaces.org

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免费开源个人数据管理工具 直达网站 直达网站


Tag可以帮助用户用web2.0的tag方式来管理本地文件,用tag组织本地文件的软件本来就不多,而且很多并不好用,但Tag却能让人眼前一亮。直接使用的是本地文件的本身的目录结构来管理。开始选定一个起始文件夹比如“资料”,下面的目录是“动物”“动漫”之类的;配合Mozilla Archive Format或者unmht扩展,可以极其方便地快速打开、切换MAFF或者mht,html等网页文件。样就不用再资源管理器和firefox直接频繁切换了,而且打开文件速度极快。
Tag is open sourced and published under theAGPL license. It is designed to be easily extended with different plugins for visualization of directory structures or for opening of different file types.
Tag is running completely offline on your computer, smartphone or tablet and does not require internet connection or online registration. You can still use platforms like ownCloud, Dropbox orBittorrent Sync in order to sync your files between devices.
Tag offers you a convenient web interface to your local file system. It is implemented in JavaScript and HTML5, which are the technologies behind most of the modern web applications.


1  美国(24.1%)
2  英国(6.4%)
3  加拿大(4.2%)
4  保加利亚(3.2%)

tagspaces tagspace file tagging software tag based file manager

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:德国 柏林Strato公司

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