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时尚木屋摄影和造型博客是由一位法国美女Erika Marie创办,她是一位富有时尚气息和时尚眼光的爱美女士,喜欢与时尚相关的摄影、时尚造型,因此创办这个博客,让读者跟随她的脚步去欣赏她眼中的时尚理念。Erika Marie喜欢与读者分享她对时尚、音乐、美食、电影和电视的看法和观点,每个人的生活方式不同,而博客恰恰可以反映一个人的生活方式,每天穿着新衣服、享受美好的时光,写博客、分享生活理念。I'm Erika Marie. My favorite time of year is Christmas. Audrey Hepburn, the Olsens and Olivia Palermo are my icons. I enjoy attending Fashion Week and hope to one day live in Paris or New York, working for a Fashion magazine. A girl in love with all things fashion, photography and modeling. I secretly want to be a DJ.