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可视化电视节目评级分享工具是一个基于国外电视剧收视率的分享平台,该平台基于IMDB流媒体数据库,用户可以根据电视剧名称来调用IMDB的数据库,并且通过可视化显示来分析收视率情况。随着对于收视率的问题各位不死太感兴趣,不过如果你想要找国外Zhui流行的电视剧那么你就需要通过这个工具来查看其收视率了,收视率高的当然也就Zhui流行了,例如Zhui近比较火的“纸牌屋、死亡笔记、太空堡垒卡拉狄加、狂人“等电视剧”。Graph TV is a visualization tool which graphs tv show ratings by episode. Each season is assigned a different color and linear regressions are calculated for each season as well as for the entire series. Each point on the graph displays the episode title, rating, and other data. The data points are clickable and will open its IMDb entry. The graphs are also exportable for offline use.