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全球职业女性网 www.leanin.org

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全球职业女性网是由美国的著名职场女性莎莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)等人发起成立的致力于建设一个全球性的社区,鼓励女性实现自己的理想的平台。

Lean In supports women in 3 important ways:
We want all women to have the confidence and know-how to achieve their goals. This starts with an active and supportive community. Each day we’ll encourage an open exchange of ideas and information. We will also share Lean In Stories—short narratives of moments in life when we choose to “lean in” or “lean back” intended to inspire, teach and connect us.
We offer a growing library of free online lectures on topics including leadership and communication. Produced in partnership with the Clayman Institute for Gender Studies at Stanford University and other well-known experts, these lectures offer women practical skills they can apply in their daily lives.
Lean In Circles are small groups that meet monthly to encourage and support each other in an atmosphere of confidentiality and trust. We provide the materials and support to run a successful Circle, including online spaces that make it easy for members to stay up-to-date and connected. Circles are powered by Mightybell, the first network of private groups.


1  美国(48.7%)
2  印度(10.7%)
3  加拿大(2.9%)

sheryl sandberg lean in lean sheryl sandberg lean in lean in circles

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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