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Sharing data is hard. Emails have size limits, and setting up servers is too much work. We've designed a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds.
This service is designed to facilitate storage of all the data used in research, including datasets as well as publications. There are many advantages of using bittorrent technology to disseminate this work.
Distributed storage and content delivery provided by anyone. Files can be securely downloaded from other users of the system. They can share the file for a day or a year.
Mirroring the content can be done from a desktop computer anywhere. Everyone surrounding this computer will have local access to the data automatically and securely.
Bundles of files, not just papers, or any size can be disseminated in this way as long as at least one person can become a seed for that data.
Torrent technology allows a group of editors to "seed" their own peer-reviewed published articles with just a torrent client. Each editor can have part or all of the papers stored on their desktops and have a torrent tracker to co


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