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在线俚语词汇大全 www.acronymsandslang.com

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在线俚语词汇大全 直达网站 直达网站


How do you handle it when you are confronted with a set of initials and are expected to know what it means? Presumably you would simply Google it and see what comes up.
However, the congested search engine will generally offer up a whole series of confusing answers and might not even give you the answers you need. is an easy to use, dedicated database of abbreviations and offers a fully searchable engine to find what you are looking for.
With 3.5 million in the dictionary, you can search by individual letter or scan through various intelligent categories that include airports and locations, business and finance, medicine and science, organizations and military as well as technology and modern computer slang. is a free and very user-friendly application that will show you the difference between LMFAO and AOL. Try not to get them mixed up.


1  美国(26.5%)
2  印度(14.3%)
3  英国(4.4%)
4  菲律宾(3.8%)
5  加拿大(3.2%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:多米尼克

  • 1 在线网站访问信息统计分析平台
  • 2 在线陨石科技网
  • 3 在线个性化杂志阅读平台
  • 4 个性化邮箱手机管理应用
  • 5 在线热门话题分享平台
  • 6 在线免费字体分享平台
  • 7 手机衣橱服装管理应用
  • 8 日本自由民主党官网
  • 9 在线游戏问答社区
  • 10 暴走漫画

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