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在线CG视觉艺术交流平台 www.cghub.com

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在线CG视觉艺术交流平台 直达网站 直达网站


CG Hub is an online community where computer graphics artists share their latest work, tips, and tools, network with friends, search jobs, and more.
CgHub focuses on artists in the entertainment industry, primarily movies (visual effects), television, commercials, animation, games, and illustrators and sequential artists (comics). If you use a computer to generate imagery for any of these mediums, then chances are you will feel right at home at CgHub.com.We also recognize that analog media, such as drawing, painting and sculpture are core components in the training and development of digital artists and we encourage users to post that work as well.
We do have some strict guidelines for content, and unfortunately we do not allow photography as a category, since it is so broad and opens up so many more options.
We also do not allow content created with programs such as Poser, there are whole sites set up for that work. Please submit only original work created by you!


1  中国(71.2%)
2  俄罗斯(3.4%)
3  乌克兰(0.9%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:北美地区

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