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在线室内设计资源分享网 www.homedsgn.com

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HomeDSGN 网站是有法国人Eric于于2011年成立,他着重分享欧洲和美国的室内设计项目,目前已收录了4000多个设计项目和数万张设计作品图片,喜欢室内设计的用户不烦多多关注该网站,你会发现很多精美的设计作品。
Founded on January first, 2011, HomeDSGN.com is an online publication focused on Interior Design and Inspirational Contemporary Homes.
Here at HomeDSGN, our mission is to scour the globe, find the best interior designs and inspirational homes and give the widest exposure we can to talented architects and designers.
From $100,000 homes to multi million dollar properties, HomeDSGN is the place to visit daily if you are looking for fresh and innovative ideas for your contemporary or more traditional home.
In one year, HomeDSGN has established itself as one of the leading websites in its field due to its understanding of what our readers are really looking for: the best and most desirable homes and interiors from all around the world!


1  美国(9.9%)
2  印度(8.3%)
3  印度尼西亚(7.7%)
4  西班牙(4.7%)
5  意大利(4.7%)

modern interior design contemporary houses contemporary interior design

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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