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免费图片摄影素材库 www.pics4learning.com

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is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and images for classrooms, multimedia projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other project in an educational setting.
Photographers from around the world donate images to this collection. While the photographers retain the rights to these photos, they have graciously allowed their use through this collection.
The thousands of donated photos are approved for use in the classroom, indexed, and sorted in order to maximize their effective use by students in a 21st century classroom.
In 1995, the members of Educational Design Studio were looking for a few free use images for a project and were amazed to find so little available for teachers and students in the way of free photographic images. Knowing that they all had thousands of photos sitting in photo albums at home, they wondered if people would be willing to contribute their images for educational non-profit purposes and the PhotoShare Image Library was born.
Originally distributed on CD-ROM, PhotoShare was g


1  美国(62.9%)

learning images educational pictures educational images learning pictures

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