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安卓电子书阅读应用 www.aldiko.com

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安卓电子书阅读应用 直达网站 直达网站


Seamlessly browse and download thousands of books to your smartphones or tablets right from the app. No computer, no cable, no subscription. Tens of thousands of titles available for free.
Explore:Browse extensive book catalogs, from new releases, best-selliers to classics.
Discover:View what're featured on the online book catalogs, read detailed description and online reviews before you download.
Search:Quickly find the book that you are looking for with our powerful search tool.
Comfortable reading experience with full screen view. Rich color, crisp and sharp text make reading a pleasure. Turning pages by using intuitive swipe or tap gestures, or using the hardware volume keys.
Fully customizable:Personalize your reading experience. Adjust font size, font type, font and background colors, margin, alignment as well as line spacing to best suit your preference.
Brightness:Adjust the brightness of your device's display by sliding your finger along the left edge of the touch display.
Night time reading:Easily switch to night mode when reading in low-luminosity a



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 犹他州盐湖城Bluehost公司

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