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家庭DIY项目分享俱乐部 www.builtbykids.com

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Built by Kids is created WITH, BY and FOR children. We celebrate the parents, families, caregivers and educators who value the power of creative development and are nostalgic for a time when weekends were set aside for building a fort or making models.
We believe that a child’s imagination is endless and their thirst for knowledge is insatiable. We believe that by teaching children practical skills and encouraging them to submit to their creativity, children become more confident, capable and cosmopolitan.
Built by Kids is a lifestyle website that was a 2012 Webby Award nominee in the Family/Parenting category. It is a site designed to keep families physically engaged while building their relationships and bonding over creative activities. Built by Kids proudly boasts that it is created "WITH, BY and FOR children" and firmly believes that "by teaching children practical skills and encouraging them to submit to their creativity, children become more confident, capable and cosmopolitan." As such, the site features several familial activity ideas conveniently categorized by age (from toddlers to teens) and skill level


1  美国(54.3%)

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