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网站前端开发构架工具 www.semantic-ui.com

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语义用户界面 规格为开发人员之间共享UI元素。语义也是一个UI库,使前端开发更简单,更容易学习。语义库介绍了许多UI元素。在大多数情况下,它可能是Zhui好的,只有你需要的元素建立一个自定义的构建。
Semantic UI is a set of specifications for sharing UI elements between developers. Semantic is also a UI library to make front end development simpler and easier to learn. The Semantic library describes many UI elements. In most instances it might be best to build a custom build with only the elements you need.
UI components are split into four categories, ranging from smallest to largest in scope: UI Elements, UI Collections, UI Modules and UI Views. Semantic gives you a variety of UI components with real-time debug output, letting your code tell you what its doing.


1  印度(16.8%)
2  中国(11.8%)
3  美国(8.5%)
4  日本(4.3%)
5  伊朗(3.6%)

semantic semantic ui ui dropdown semantic ui examples

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福利亚州旧金山Github公司

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