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在线文件分享服务平台 www.cloudup.com

尼日利亚 点击(1899) 全球(34026)

在线文件分享服务平台 直达网站 直达网站


Cloudup 的技术非常给力,这在协同功能上体现的十分明显,更牛的地方在于支持上传过程中 URL 链接分享,这意味着即使文件(不超过 200MB) 还未上传成功,其他用户也能跨设备预先浏览。
它不是单纯地处理文档,视频、图像和相册协同上传功能将让博客或网页的浏览体验更丰富。Cloudup 自 7 月份起已经积累了 1 万的活跃用户,目前每个用户可免费上传 1000 个文件,享有 200G 的存储空间。
WordPress公司旗下的Automattic网页程式设计公司收购了该平台,它仍会独立于 WordPress 继续运作,只是 Automattic 会在功能上对其进行扩充,不久该服务将面向公众开放。
Cloudup set out with one goal in mind: to make sharing anything – files, videos, links, music, documents, code, text, etc – simple and beautiful for both the sharer and the recipient. Drag, drop, and stream.
Sharing, not managing. We created Cloudup because we were frustrated with sharing services that took too much time converting, filing, managing, and uploading – we simply wanted to share whatever, whenever. Cloudup provides users with an easy-to-use, instantaneous solution for streaming files large and small without any of the business process, and for free. Now everyone can share streams of anything – video, photos, music, links, and files instantly and easily.
Cloudup is fortunate to have a really spiffy lineup of investors. Charles River Ventures, Atlas Ventures, and prominent angel investors have backed Cloudup’s work with funding and advice.


1  日本(44.7%)
2  美国(7.0%)
3  尼日利亚(6.2%)
4  印度(4.6%)
5  印度尼西亚(3.6%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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