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网页设计师开发交流社区 www.forrst.com

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网站成立于2009年,是为开发人员和设计师提供的一个新兴的地方,在这里可以分享代码和截图以及链接,启发你的灵感。如果你曾想为你的一块代码获得一些专业实诚 的建议;如果你在几个logo中没法做出决定的时候,正好适合你。此社区正处扩张期,仍然以邀请的方式注册。
Feedback is essential to design. It's the water and sunlight that ensures our design grow into strong, vibrant evergreens in the forest of the web. But what we need is quality feedback if the seeds of our ideas are to ever blossom.
It needs to be continuous and effective if we're to get better at our work. But it takes work and practice. We need to get good feedback and we need to receive it as well. Feedback can be intensely personal and potentially a powder keg. Done right, it can do wonders. Done wrong, and it can blow up in our faces. What's needed is a community, where transparency is valued and helpful honesty is appreciated.
is that community. It's a place where designers, engineers and developers can share their work and get the feedback they need. They can learn from each other what it means to give feedback and give it effectively. All with the goal of getting better at their craft.


1  美国(47.0%)

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司

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