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银杏写作应用平台 www.gingkoapp.com

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The art of writing can be a difficult thing unless you are well organized and have the right equipment at your disposal. Many of us have lots of different Word documents, sheets of paper or just stuff in our head waiting to get out and, if only we could organize them a little better, we could well have the next great novel in front of us. Gingko is a new word processor that is the only one that allows you to see the structure of your writing as well as the content on one page at the same time. This allows you (as well as your collaborators) to see the big picture. Gingko is a tree-like structure that let's you write, expand, drag and rearrange your document so much better than before
Whether you are an artist, a scholar or simply an entrepreneur, Gingko helps your writing become better organized and your flow improving naturally. To aid this, Gingko is the only word processor that lets you see your structure and content at the same time. Whether you are writing a screenplay, group study notes, a novel, project management or academic writing, Gingko is an easy way to write better and faster. It does this by letting you branch your writing, to expand it and to add more detail to a specific topic or section, while still keeping it in view all the time.
That means you can either con

内容提要: Gingko is a new kind of tool, that lets you shape your ideas with lists, outlines and cards, all in the same clean interface. Let your ideas ...



1  美国(42.3%)
2  俄罗斯(1.7%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市Linode公司

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