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基于社交平台的粉丝胸章平台 www.picbadges.com

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基于社交平台的粉丝胸章平台 直达网站 直达网站


What is a PicBadge?
are overlays that can be added to pictures. They come in many shapes and colors.Add a PicBadge as a way to support a cause, raise awareness, or show off something you really like.Create your own for yourself, for everyone or for an exclusive group of people.
is a meteoric social platform, allowing people and businesses to create and share ideas, activities, events, and interests on top of profile pictures.With more than 15M registered users all around the world, is a rising star in the social web arena.
Some of the businesses that created through our service gained a great boost to their social awareness by reaching an enormous amount of "Adders" (people who have worn their picbadge on their pictures). Among the businesses and organizations which are already using you can find Starbucks, eBay, Disney, MTV, Swatch, Pearl Jam, Huggies, VH1, Nikon, the UN, Nicolas Sarkozi, Rockstar, Vodafone, Spartan Race, Trivium, Guiness, The Republic of Peru, Seventeen, Waze, Fring


1  美国(18.0%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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