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ArtistBox www.artistboxapp.com

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There's something very likable about music apps. Whenever I send my friends details of new music apps they are always excited by the prospect of another way of creating a cool place to find out more about their favorite musicians. ArtistBox is an iOS app that searches through your iPhone or iPad music library and displays them within the beautiful looking interface. While there are plenty of other similar apps around, ArtistBox excels on its user-friendliness and its depth of information. The app aggregates a vast amount of photos and info to enhance your listening experience.
ArtistBox gathers all your favourite artists in one place and offers you all the information you need to love them even more. The app is more complex than other music discovery apps in the Appstore, chiefly because it offers a more systematic approach to the artists' work. ArtistBox gathers in one place their biography, discography (not only the one existing in iTunes), hi-res images, videos, local and live concerts worldwide - based on your preferences and where you live - as well as all the latest up-to-date news. ArtistBox shows yo

内容提要:ArtistBox gathers your favorite artists in one place and offers you all the ... for iPhone and Android. Our email address is hi[at]artistboxapp.com, drop us a line ......



artist box the artist box

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:德国

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