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博凯阅读伴侣应用是一款基于智能手机的书籍阅读应用,支持语音搜索书籍、书籍笔记和注释功能,该应用主要针对那些酷爱阅读的用户,帮助他们搜索、读书笔记、分享重要文献等等。下面是有关于该应用的英文报道:Back in the days of paper books, researchers and serious book readers would always need a note pad handy to jot down relevant and important moments within the text so that it was simple to find those passages again later. Either that or there would be tiny scrawled hand written notes in the margins of the book itself.It used to be quite exciting to buy a second hand book and have someone's detailed notes explaining certain moments and drawing attention to other significant passages. In the 21st century and with the popularity of the eBook at an all time high we have taken on a much neater and more efficient way of note taking. And now you can even do it - without typing a word - with the help of the Siri. Booke is a book publishing application for iOS that gives you the best ebook features as well as voice command to keep notes and annotate important sections for easy find later.Booke is a smartphone companion for that is designed for the heavy research reader which helps capture, keep and share all the important moments of your 'real-book' reading experience. But the big difference between many other similar apps is that this one lets you read real books and have full access to the best features of ebook but with the added bonus of voice command.The app uses the brilliant Siri voice command system while you can search, copy, add and share your con