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免费无限网络相册存储网 www.overpic.net

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免费无限网络相册存储网 直达网站 直达网站

免费无限网络相册存储网是瑞士的一个图片免费存储的相册网站,无需注册就能上传,能支持外部链接,同时能上传10张图片,单个上传图片的大小限制为10M,支持的图片格式 为:JPEG、JPG、BMP、PNG、GIF。

OVERPIC is an easy image hosting solution for everyone. Have you ever wanted to share a picture with a friend, or many friends, yet didn't want to go through the trouble of creating an account at other image host providers, or resorting to something as inefficient as email? With this website, you can easily upload any image from your computer and share it with anyone in the world! The image is stored on the OVERPIC.net server indefinitely. In fact, we are currently hosting 102,800 images.
After uploading an image, the website generates a link to your picture. Copy and paste this link anywhere you want, such as a chat client or message board. In fact, OVERPIC.net automatically generates the necessary bbcode ([img] [/img]). All you have to do is copy and paste, and the image is instantly viewable.


1  伊朗(52.8%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:荷兰

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