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体育赛事手机社交应用 www.fanatix.com

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Fanatix 还会推送来自专业体育博客的相关点评、来自 Instagram 的相关图片、来自 Youtube 的相关视频、以及来自 Facebook 和 Twitter 的相关发言。在 Fanatix 的支持下,你不仅不再孤单,还能从多维度欣赏一场体育赛事。
fanatix is the definitive sports companion for your iPhone. We're re-imagining the back page, making it personal and social, so you'll be first to get all the action from the teams, leagues and sports you love to follow!
1、official video highlights from English football club channels, Serie A, Ligue 1, MLS and Brasileiro;
2、real-time feed of all the latest sports news from the leading sports blogs and websites around the world;
3、one-touch personalisation for a feed of only articles from the teams you follow;
4、official Instagram feeds from the clubs you follow;
5、official Twitter feeds from the clubs you follow。


1  英国(23.6%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:爱尔兰

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