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在线音乐教学和训练平台 www.chromatik.com

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在线音乐教学和训练平台是一个针对专业的乐手、乐团、合唱团及音乐教学的机构,乐手可以上传、同步并共享自己的 pdf 版乐谱,直接把乐谱收纳到 iPad 里用不着带纸质乐谱了。

拥有它有网页版和 iPad 应用,乐手在练习时还能用它来录音,将录音分享给自己的老师 / 朋友就能收到及时的评价和反馈。对于音乐老师而言,可将 用作是跟踪并记录学生练习情况的工具。在乐谱上做的标记也是可同步到云端的。
Matt Sandler is a professional musician and entrepreneur. He has extensively toured the West Coast, taught woodwinds in the Los Angeles Unified School District, and was recently a lecturer in music technology at UCLA. However, performing and teaching music was not always his gig — Matt’s held A&R and technology roles at KROQ 106.7FM and Capitol Records.
And from there, he was on the early team of the social marketing startup CitizenNet, leading business development and sales. Blending his experiences in technology and education, Matt founded to redefine how people practice, perform, and learn music. Matt holds a BA in Saxophone Performance from UCLA and was named a CA Distinguished Arts Scholar by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.


1  美国(52.7%)
2  俄罗斯(0.9%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

  • 1 多平台离线RSS订阅浏览工具
  • 2 iOS系统RSS谷歌阅读应用
  • 3 老读者RSS阅读平台
  • 4 开源服务器管理配置系统
  • 5 vector.me
  • 6 原声音乐试听购买网
  • 7 免费音效素材搜索下载网
  • 8 法国广播音乐电台
  • 9 荷兰非营利组织火星一号官网
  • 10 机器人设计研发团队

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