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美国国家机器人周 www.nationalroboticsweek.org

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节日上有超过 30 场展览,范围覆盖了游戏、玩具、工业以及医疗研究方面,让我们仔细围观一下这些Zhui尖端的机器人。
National Robotics Week is organized by an Advisory Council (see our Partners) which recognizes robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation, highlights its growing importance in a wide variety of application areas, and emphasizes its ability to inspire technology education.
Robotics is positioned to fuel a broad array of next-generation products and applications in fields as diverse as manufacturing, health-care, national defense and security, agriculture and transportation. At the same time, robotics is proving to be uniquely adept at enabling students of all ages to learn important science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts and at inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM-related fields.
Robotics Week is a week-long series of events and activities aimed at increasing public awareness of the growing importance of "robo-technology" and the tremendous social and cultural impact that it will have on the future of the United States.
In May 2009, leading universities and companies appealed to the Congressional Caucus on Robotics to create a "national road-map" for robotics technology. On March 9, 2010, the U.S. House of Representatives passed resolution H.Res. 1055, officially designating the second full week in



robot events national robotics week robotics week national robotics

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