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日本名古屋波士顿美术馆 www.nagoya-boston.or.jp

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日本名古屋波士顿美术馆 直达网站 直达网站


The Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts, as the sister museum of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), breaks new ground in Japan by presenting art in innovative and refreshing ways. The manifold works on exhibition are selected from one of the world's finest collections. They are displayed thematically to enhance the visitor's aesthetic experience and to stimulate contemplation of relationships between the works. The partnership between the Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston enables people in Japan not only to enjoy great masterpieces, but also to appreciate art from cultures and periods that until now has had little exposure in Japan.



ボストン美術館 名古屋ボストン美術館 美術館 ボストン美術館展 名古屋市美術館

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